Judges 11:1-12:15
John 1:1-28
Psalm 101:1-8
Proverbs 14:13-14
Question of the day: Did the Lord find the sacrifice of Jephthah daughter pleasing?
We have two opposing events in this passage: Jephthah making a vow to the Lord, and a human being sacrificed, with was strictly against God's law. The Bible makes no mention that God approved of this sacrifice, and in the passage after, we see that Jephthah proceeded to kill 42,000 fellow Israelites because they looked down on him. Even though Jephthah became a judge over Israel, it does not mean that he was not capable of doing evil.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Today's Reading - April 29, 2010
Judges 9:22-10:18
Luke 24:13-53
Psalm 100:1-5
Proverbs 14:11-12
Question of the day: What does the Bible mean when it says in Numbers 9:23, "God sent a spirit that stirred up trouble..."
God routinely was and is actively involved in the lives of His people. In the Old Testament, sometimes he took direct action against sin, such as in Numbers 21 when God sent poisonous snakes among the people to punish their sins. In the case of Abimelech, he fanned the flames of the evil that was already brewing to bring about his punishment.
Luke 24:13-53
Psalm 100:1-5
Proverbs 14:11-12
Question of the day: What does the Bible mean when it says in Numbers 9:23, "God sent a spirit that stirred up trouble..."
God routinely was and is actively involved in the lives of His people. In the Old Testament, sometimes he took direct action against sin, such as in Numbers 21 when God sent poisonous snakes among the people to punish their sins. In the case of Abimelech, he fanned the flames of the evil that was already brewing to bring about his punishment.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Today's Reading - April 28, 2010
Judges 8:18-9:21
Luke 23:44-24:12
Psalm 99:1-9
Proverbs 14:9-10
Question of the day: Hadn't the Israelites already defeated the Midianites?
Yes, in Numbers 31 the Bible tells us that Moses sent the Israelites army against the Midianites and that they "killed every man" (vs. 7). Among the women and children who were captured, the boys were killed as were each woman "who has slept with a man" (vs. 17). The Midianites nation was destroyed.
The problem was that the Midianites were a nomadic people who normally traveled in small bands with their livestock in the dry season and then gathered into large bands during the lambing or wet season. Either way, there were likely Midianites who were elsewhere with their people at the time of this battle. After the Israelites moved on, these wayward nomadic bands recreated and repopulated the Midian nation
Luke 23:44-24:12
Psalm 99:1-9
Proverbs 14:9-10
Question of the day: Hadn't the Israelites already defeated the Midianites?
Yes, in Numbers 31 the Bible tells us that Moses sent the Israelites army against the Midianites and that they "killed every man" (vs. 7). Among the women and children who were captured, the boys were killed as were each woman "who has slept with a man" (vs. 17). The Midianites nation was destroyed.
The problem was that the Midianites were a nomadic people who normally traveled in small bands with their livestock in the dry season and then gathered into large bands during the lambing or wet season. Either way, there were likely Midianites who were elsewhere with their people at the time of this battle. After the Israelites moved on, these wayward nomadic bands recreated and repopulated the Midian nation
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Today's Reading - April 27, 2010
Judges 7:1-8:17
Luke 23:13-43
Psalm 97:1-98:9
Proverbs 14:7-8
Question of the day: Why did God use the "water test" to separate Gideon's men?
God was determined to show Gideon that it was not the size of his army that mattered, but whether the Lord was behind him. It is symbolic that this method was used, as dogs were considered at that time to be unclean animals of very low status. So this army is small and not considered worth much at all.
Luke 23:13-43
Psalm 97:1-98:9
Proverbs 14:7-8
Question of the day: Why did God use the "water test" to separate Gideon's men?
God was determined to show Gideon that it was not the size of his army that mattered, but whether the Lord was behind him. It is symbolic that this method was used, as dogs were considered at that time to be unclean animals of very low status. So this army is small and not considered worth much at all.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Today's Reading - April 26, 2010
Judges 6:1-40
Luke 22:54-23:12
Psalm 95:1-96:13
Proverbs 14:5-6
Question of the day: Why was God content to be tested by Gideon?
Gideon approached God not with a spirit of rebellion but with a spirit of fear and timidity. God was asking him to do something which needed courage, which Gideon lacked. God was content to encourage Gideon, so that he might know that what was being asked of him was of the Lord, and not out of his own plans.
Luke 22:54-23:12
Psalm 95:1-96:13
Proverbs 14:5-6
Question of the day: Why was God content to be tested by Gideon?
Gideon approached God not with a spirit of rebellion but with a spirit of fear and timidity. God was asking him to do something which needed courage, which Gideon lacked. God was content to encourage Gideon, so that he might know that what was being asked of him was of the Lord, and not out of his own plans.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Today's Reading - April 25, 2010
Judges 4:1-5:31
Luke 22:35-53
Psalm 94:1-23
Proverbs 14:3-4
Question of the day: Wasn't it unusual for a woman (Deborah) to lead God's people?
Deborah was a judge who used the gifts that God gave her to provide Israel with wisdom. A judge was not someone who was appointed, but rather someone who rose to importance because of their love of and gifting from God. Deborah ruled with her husband Barak, who led the army of Israel.
Luke 22:35-53
Psalm 94:1-23
Proverbs 14:3-4
Question of the day: Wasn't it unusual for a woman (Deborah) to lead God's people?
Deborah was a judge who used the gifts that God gave her to provide Israel with wisdom. A judge was not someone who was appointed, but rather someone who rose to importance because of their love of and gifting from God. Deborah ruled with her husband Barak, who led the army of Israel.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Today's Reading - April 24, 2010
Judges 2:10-3:31
Luke 22:14-34
Psalm 92:1-93:5
Proverbs 14:1-2
Question of the day: Why was Ehud described as "Ehud son of Gera, a left-handed man of the tribe of Benjamin?"
It was customary to expect a weapon on the left side of a man, as most were right handed. Ehud, being left handed, was able to smuggle a weapon in and kill the king.
Luke 22:14-34
Psalm 92:1-93:5
Proverbs 14:1-2
Question of the day: Why was Ehud described as "Ehud son of Gera, a left-handed man of the tribe of Benjamin?"
It was customary to expect a weapon on the left side of a man, as most were right handed. Ehud, being left handed, was able to smuggle a weapon in and kill the king.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Today's Reading - April 23, 2010
Judges 1:1-2:9
Luke 21:29-22:13
Psalm 90:1-91:16
Proverbs 13:24-25
Question of the day: Why were the Israelites unable to drive out the people with the iron chariots, after God had promised he would be with them?
We have to remember that when Joshua relayed that message from God, it was only if they would follow God faithfully and live according to his promises. The answer can be found in Judges Chapter 2:1-3:
"The angel of the Lord went up from Gilgal to Bokim and said to the Israelites, 'I brought you out of Egypt into this land that I swore to give your ancestors, and I said I would never break my covenant with you. For your part, you were not to make any covenants with the people living in this land; instead, you were to destroy their altars. But you disobeyed my command. Why did you do this? So now I declare that I will no longer drive out the people living in your land. They will be thorns in your sides, and their gods will be a constant temptation to you.' ”
Luke 21:29-22:13
Psalm 90:1-91:16
Proverbs 13:24-25
Question of the day: Why were the Israelites unable to drive out the people with the iron chariots, after God had promised he would be with them?
We have to remember that when Joshua relayed that message from God, it was only if they would follow God faithfully and live according to his promises. The answer can be found in Judges Chapter 2:1-3:
"The angel of the Lord went up from Gilgal to Bokim and said to the Israelites, 'I brought you out of Egypt into this land that I swore to give your ancestors, and I said I would never break my covenant with you. For your part, you were not to make any covenants with the people living in this land; instead, you were to destroy their altars. But you disobeyed my command. Why did you do this? So now I declare that I will no longer drive out the people living in your land. They will be thorns in your sides, and their gods will be a constant temptation to you.' ”
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Today's Reading - April 22, 2010
Joshua 24:1-33
Luke 21:1-28
Psalm 89:38-52
Proverbs 13:20-23
Question of the day: What is the significance of Joseph's bones being carried from Egypt and buried in Shechem?
In Genesis 50:24-25, the Bible tells us, "Then Joseph said to his brothers, 'I am about to die. But God will surely come to your aid and take you up out of this land to the land he promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.' 25 And Joseph made the sons of Israel swear an oath and said, 'God will surely come to your aid, and then you must carry my bones up from this place.' "
Luke 21:1-28
Psalm 89:38-52
Proverbs 13:20-23
Question of the day: What is the significance of Joseph's bones being carried from Egypt and buried in Shechem?
In Genesis 50:24-25, the Bible tells us, "Then Joseph said to his brothers, 'I am about to die. But God will surely come to your aid and take you up out of this land to the land he promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.' 25 And Joseph made the sons of Israel swear an oath and said, 'God will surely come to your aid, and then you must carry my bones up from this place.' "
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Today's Reading - April 21, 2010
Joshua 22:21-23:16
Luke 20:27-47
Psalm 89:14-37
Proverbs 13:17-19
Question of the day: What did Jesus ask in verse 44, "Since David called the Messiah ‘Lord,’ how can the Messiah be his son?”
Jesus was reminding them that the Messiah would come from the lineage of David, and show them more evidence of his fulfilling the prophecies of the Old Testament concerning the Messiah.
Luke 20:27-47
Psalm 89:14-37
Proverbs 13:17-19
Question of the day: What did Jesus ask in verse 44, "Since David called the Messiah ‘Lord,’ how can the Messiah be his son?”
Jesus was reminding them that the Messiah would come from the lineage of David, and show them more evidence of his fulfilling the prophecies of the Old Testament concerning the Messiah.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Today's Reading - April 20, 2010
Joshua 21:1-22:20
Luke 20:1-26
Psalm 89:1-13
Proverbs 13:15-16
Question of the day: What does Jesus mean when he says, “Then what does this Scripture mean? ‘The stone that the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone?’
The prophecy found in Psalm 118:22 foretells that Jesus would be rejected by people who would not recognize him as being the Messiah. After his resurrection, he would become the center of faith in Christianity.
Luke 20:1-26
Psalm 89:1-13
Proverbs 13:15-16
Question of the day: What does Jesus mean when he says, “Then what does this Scripture mean? ‘The stone that the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone?’
The prophecy found in Psalm 118:22 foretells that Jesus would be rejected by people who would not recognize him as being the Messiah. After his resurrection, he would become the center of faith in Christianity.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Today's Reading - April 19, 2010
Joshua 19:1-20:9
Luke 19:28-48
Psalm 88:1-18
Proverbs 13:12-14
Question of the day: Why did the slayer have to stay in the city until the high priest was dead?
The death of the high priest was a time of great mourning in the land of Israel. People's hearts would be more gracious at this time, and the loved ones of the person who was killed would be less likely to seek revenge against the person who committed the manslaughter.
Luke 19:28-48
Psalm 88:1-18
Proverbs 13:12-14
Question of the day: Why did the slayer have to stay in the city until the high priest was dead?
The death of the high priest was a time of great mourning in the land of Israel. People's hearts would be more gracious at this time, and the loved ones of the person who was killed would be less likely to seek revenge against the person who committed the manslaughter.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Today's Reading - April 18, 2010
Joshua 16:1-18:28
Luke 19:1-27
Psalm 87:1-7
Proverbs 13:11
Question of the day: Why did Jesus tell the rich young ruler he had to sell everything he had in order to have eternal life, yet praises Zaccheus for giving away a smaller percentage?
In Jesus' teaching, it was never the dollar amount that he was concerned about, it was the attitude of the person's heart. Jesus knew that the rich young ruler held things too tightly.
Luke 19:1-27
Psalm 87:1-7
Proverbs 13:11
Question of the day: Why did Jesus tell the rich young ruler he had to sell everything he had in order to have eternal life, yet praises Zaccheus for giving away a smaller percentage?
In Jesus' teaching, it was never the dollar amount that he was concerned about, it was the attitude of the person's heart. Jesus knew that the rich young ruler held things too tightly.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Today's Reading - April 17, 2010
JOSHUA 15:1-63
LUKE 18:18-43
PSALM 86:1-17
PROVERBS 13:9-10
Question of the day: Why were the Israelites unable to conquer Jerusalem?
The inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Jebusites, had a distinguished history with the Israelites, going back to the time of Abraham. Some Jewish scholars believe that the Jebusites made an agreement with Abraham that his descendants would not take control of Jerusalem against the will of the Jebusites, and then the Jebusites engraved the covenant into bronze. The existence of this agreement prevented the Israelites from dislodging the Jebusites.
LUKE 18:18-43
PSALM 86:1-17
PROVERBS 13:9-10
Question of the day: Why were the Israelites unable to conquer Jerusalem?
The inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Jebusites, had a distinguished history with the Israelites, going back to the time of Abraham. Some Jewish scholars believe that the Jebusites made an agreement with Abraham that his descendants would not take control of Jerusalem against the will of the Jebusites, and then the Jebusites engraved the covenant into bronze. The existence of this agreement prevented the Israelites from dislodging the Jebusites.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Today's Reading - April 16, 2010
JOSHUA 13:1-14:15
LUKE 18:1-17
PSALM 85:1-13
Question of the day: Was Caleb able to drive out the people of Hebron?
Yes, Joshua 15:14 tells us that Caleb and the Israelites did drive out the three Anakites, and their people.
LUKE 18:1-17
PSALM 85:1-13
Question of the day: Was Caleb able to drive out the people of Hebron?
Yes, Joshua 15:14 tells us that Caleb and the Israelites did drive out the three Anakites, and their people.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Today's Reading - April 15, 2010
Joshua 11:1-12:24
Luke 17:11-37
Psalm 84:1-12
Proverbs 13:5-6
Question of the day: Jesus said, "On that day a person out on the deck of a roof must not go down into the house to pack." What should they do instead?
Jesus is saying that at that point it will be too late to do anything. You must be ready now for Jesus to return.
Luke 17:11-37
Psalm 84:1-12
Proverbs 13:5-6
Question of the day: Jesus said, "On that day a person out on the deck of a roof must not go down into the house to pack." What should they do instead?
Jesus is saying that at that point it will be too late to do anything. You must be ready now for Jesus to return.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Today's Reading - April 14, 2010
Joshua 9:3-10:43
Luke 16:19-17:10
Psalm 83:1-18
Proverbs 13:4
If God is love, how could he order Israel to kill all the people in the cities they came to?
First we must see why the Bible called the Canaanites evil. Among other things, Canaanite religion involved child sacrifice. It was a practice that increased the more their cities expanded. Unlike other ancient civilizations where such practices died out, the Canaanites perpetuated it.
Second, a study of the verses reveals a very different story. God did not issue a command for genocide, and Israel did not slay all the Canaanites. God issued two specific commands concerning the Canaanites east of the Jordan River (Deuteronomy 2:26-36, 3:1-11) and six commands concerning Canaanites in general (Exodus 23:31-33, 34:11-16, Numbers 33:50-56, Deuteronomy 7:1-5, 12:2-3, 20:10-18). The two specific commands were for the conquest of the kingdoms east of the Jordan. Of the six general commands, only Deuteronomy 7:1-5 demands the total destruction of the Canaanites. Deuteronomy 20:10-18 qualifies this by specifically mentioning the destruction of Canaanite cities. The other four concern driving them out, destroying their idols and not making any treaties with them.
For more on this subject, check out this blog post.
Luke 16:19-17:10
Psalm 83:1-18
Proverbs 13:4
If God is love, how could he order Israel to kill all the people in the cities they came to?
First we must see why the Bible called the Canaanites evil. Among other things, Canaanite religion involved child sacrifice. It was a practice that increased the more their cities expanded. Unlike other ancient civilizations where such practices died out, the Canaanites perpetuated it.
Second, a study of the verses reveals a very different story. God did not issue a command for genocide, and Israel did not slay all the Canaanites. God issued two specific commands concerning the Canaanites east of the Jordan River (Deuteronomy 2:26-36, 3:1-11) and six commands concerning Canaanites in general (Exodus 23:31-33, 34:11-16, Numbers 33:50-56, Deuteronomy 7:1-5, 12:2-3, 20:10-18). The two specific commands were for the conquest of the kingdoms east of the Jordan. Of the six general commands, only Deuteronomy 7:1-5 demands the total destruction of the Canaanites. Deuteronomy 20:10-18 qualifies this by specifically mentioning the destruction of Canaanite cities. The other four concern driving them out, destroying their idols and not making any treaties with them.
For more on this subject, check out this blog post.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Today's Reading - April 13, 2010
Joshua 7:16-9:2
Luke 16:1-18
Psalm 82:1-8
Proverbs 13:2-3
Question of the day: What exactly is the Book of Instruction?
The Book of Instruction is a not a single book, but rather the collection of laws given to Moses while the Israelites were in the wilderness.
Luke 16:1-18
Psalm 82:1-8
Proverbs 13:2-3
Question of the day: What exactly is the Book of Instruction?
The Book of Instruction is a not a single book, but rather the collection of laws given to Moses while the Israelites were in the wilderness.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Today's Reading - April 12, 2010
Joshua 5:1-7:15
Luke 15:1-32
Psalm 81:1-16
Proverbs 13:1
Question of the day: Why weren't the Israelites boys circumcised while the Nation of Israel was wandering in the wilderness?
Number 8:18 may give us a clue: "But I have taken the Levites instead of every firstborn among the sons of Israel." God adopted the Levites as his chosen people during the wandering, but after the Israelites entered the Promised Land, he "re-adopted" the sons of Israel and had them circumcised.
Luke 15:1-32
Psalm 81:1-16
Proverbs 13:1
Question of the day: Why weren't the Israelites boys circumcised while the Nation of Israel was wandering in the wilderness?
Number 8:18 may give us a clue: "But I have taken the Levites instead of every firstborn among the sons of Israel." God adopted the Levites as his chosen people during the wandering, but after the Israelites entered the Promised Land, he "re-adopted" the sons of Israel and had them circumcised.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Today's Reading - April 11, 2010
Joshua 3:1-4:24
Luke 14:7-35
Psalm 80:1-19
Proverbs 12:27-28
Question of the day: Why did Jesus say that you must hate your family to be his disciple?
Jesus was using a word that more often than not established priority, rather than signify an emotional response. He was also referring to the Jewish belief that the time when the messiah came would be one of disharmony in the family and society. He was announcing that the time of the messiah had come.
Luke 14:7-35
Psalm 80:1-19
Proverbs 12:27-28
Question of the day: Why did Jesus say that you must hate your family to be his disciple?
Jesus was using a word that more often than not established priority, rather than signify an emotional response. He was also referring to the Jewish belief that the time when the messiah came would be one of disharmony in the family and society. He was announcing that the time of the messiah had come.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Today's Reading - April 9, 2010
Deuteronomy 33:1-29
Luke 13:1-21
Psalm 78:65-72
Proverbs 12:25
Question of the day: What is the meaning of the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree?
It is likely that Jesus intended this parable to admonish the Jews, whose mercies had been so numerous but whose day of privilege would soon end. But the subject is equally applicable to any who are favored with religious knowledge, yet who do little or nothing with it.
Luke 13:1-21
Psalm 78:65-72
Proverbs 12:25
Question of the day: What is the meaning of the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree?
It is likely that Jesus intended this parable to admonish the Jews, whose mercies had been so numerous but whose day of privilege would soon end. But the subject is equally applicable to any who are favored with religious knowledge, yet who do little or nothing with it.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Today's Reading - April 10, 2010
Deuteronomy 34:1-Joshua 2:24
Luke 13:22-14:6
Psalm 79:1-13
Proverbs 12:26
Question of the day: What is remarkable about the story of Rahab?
The story of Rahab shows that even someone looked down upon in society could later be the grandmother of King David, and be in the lineage of Jesus!
Luke 13:22-14:6
Psalm 79:1-13
Proverbs 12:26
Question of the day: What is remarkable about the story of Rahab?
The story of Rahab shows that even someone looked down upon in society could later be the grandmother of King David, and be in the lineage of Jesus!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Today's Reading - April 8, 2010
Deuteronomy 32:28-52
Luke 12:35-59
Psalm 78:56-64
Proverbs 12:24
Question of the day: Did Moses' sin justify the Lord not allowing him to go into the Promised Land?
God's punishment of Moses for his sin is a reminder that no matter what good we do with our lives, our sin has consequences. Even though God's grace can cover our sin, it will not protect us from the earthly consequences of sin.
Luke 12:35-59
Psalm 78:56-64
Proverbs 12:24
Question of the day: Did Moses' sin justify the Lord not allowing him to go into the Promised Land?
God's punishment of Moses for his sin is a reminder that no matter what good we do with our lives, our sin has consequences. Even though God's grace can cover our sin, it will not protect us from the earthly consequences of sin.
Today's Reading - April 7, 2010
Deuteronomy 31:1-32:27
Luke 12:8-34
Psalm 78:32-55
Proverbs 12:21-23
Luke 12:8-34
Psalm 78:32-55
Proverbs 12:21-23
Question of the day: Does the Parable of the Rich Fool tell us not to save for the future?
No it does not. In Proverbs, we are told to "Go to the ant, you
sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!"because "Ants are creatures
of little strength, yet they store up their food in the summer;".
Jesus was establishing that all the wealth in the world won't help you,
if you haven't taken the time to cultivate a
relationship with Him.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Today's Reading - April 5, 2010
Deuteronomy 28:1-68
Luke 11:14-36
Psalm 77:1-20
Proverbs 12:18
Question of the day: Does the Lord still punish those who "refuse to listen to the Lord your God and do not obey all the commands and decrees?"
While it is true that those who "refuse to listen to the Lord your God and do not obey all the commands and decrees" will face God's punishment, God's grace is freely given to anyone who will accept it through faith in Jesus Christ.
The Old Testament passage, however, makes it clear that God actively punished sin as it happened with the Israelites. When they worshipped other gods, the Lord turned his back on them, and when they followed him, he blessed them and protected them from their enemies.
Luke 11:14-36
Psalm 77:1-20
Proverbs 12:18
Question of the day: Does the Lord still punish those who "refuse to listen to the Lord your God and do not obey all the commands and decrees?"
While it is true that those who "refuse to listen to the Lord your God and do not obey all the commands and decrees" will face God's punishment, God's grace is freely given to anyone who will accept it through faith in Jesus Christ.
The Old Testament passage, however, makes it clear that God actively punished sin as it happened with the Israelites. When they worshipped other gods, the Lord turned his back on them, and when they followed him, he blessed them and protected them from their enemies.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Today's Reading - April 4, 2010
Deuteronomy 26:1-27:26
Luke 10:38-11:13
Psalm 76:1-12
Proverbs 12:15-17
Question of the day: Why was the altar to be built of uncut stones?
So that man could not boast and brag about the great altar they had built, drawing attention to them instead of God.
Happy Easter! Jesus is alive!
Luke 10:38-11:13
Psalm 76:1-12
Proverbs 12:15-17
Question of the day: Why was the altar to be built of uncut stones?
So that man could not boast and brag about the great altar they had built, drawing attention to them instead of God.
Happy Easter! Jesus is alive!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Today's Reading - April 3, 2010
Deuteronomy 23:1-25:19
Luke 10:13-37
Psalm 75:1-10
Proverbs 12:12-14
Question of the day: Why was Jesus condemning the cities mentioned in Luke 13?
These cities all committed the same sin: the sin of indifference. They didn't accept Jesus and recognize him as the Messiah. While he wasn't condemning the people of the cities who lived there as a whole, he was using them to illustrate that ignoring Jesus was just as serious as turning your back on him.
Luke 10:13-37
Psalm 75:1-10
Proverbs 12:12-14
Question of the day: Why was Jesus condemning the cities mentioned in Luke 13?
These cities all committed the same sin: the sin of indifference. They didn't accept Jesus and recognize him as the Messiah. While he wasn't condemning the people of the cities who lived there as a whole, he was using them to illustrate that ignoring Jesus was just as serious as turning your back on him.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Today's Reading - April 2, 2010
Deuteronomy 21:1-22:30
Luke 9:51-10:12
Psalm 74:1-23
Proverbs 12:11
Question of the day: Why would God allow an Israelite to let his captive wife go if she didn't please him? Doesn't this fly in the face of God's vision of marriage?
God often made rules that spoke to the worst of the societal practices of the day. In this case, God was preserving the dignity of an individual who customarily would have been treated inhumanely. God's vision of marriage began as one man and one woman in Genesis, and ended with Paul exhorting the church to choose as their leaders those who were the husband of one wife.
Luke 9:51-10:12
Psalm 74:1-23
Proverbs 12:11
Question of the day: Why would God allow an Israelite to let his captive wife go if she didn't please him? Doesn't this fly in the face of God's vision of marriage?
God often made rules that spoke to the worst of the societal practices of the day. In this case, God was preserving the dignity of an individual who customarily would have been treated inhumanely. God's vision of marriage began as one man and one woman in Genesis, and ended with Paul exhorting the church to choose as their leaders those who were the husband of one wife.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Today's Reading - April 1, 2010
Deuteronomy 18:1-20:20
Luke 9:28-50
Psalm 73:1-28
Proverbs 12:10
Question of the day: In Psalm 73:7, was the Psalmist speaking of Congress or bankers?
It could have been either! April Fools!
Luke 9:28-50
Psalm 73:1-28
Proverbs 12:10
Question of the day: In Psalm 73:7, was the Psalmist speaking of Congress or bankers?
It could have been either! April Fools!
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